Monday, October 15, 2012

I've Fallen (for Autumn) and I Can't Get Up!

It's that time of year, Pretties. The leaves are changing, the air is chilly, pumpkin spice is EVERYWHERE, and we're thoroughly encouraged to hide ourselves bundled in oversize-sweaters and slouchy boots. Fall is my Favorite. It's cozy and comforting and carefree...and many times in the past, Autumn has lead me to fall way off the wagon. Why would I go out for a run when it's dark by 6:30 p.m. and I'm nose deep in a mug (read:bowl) of hot cocoa? How can I hold fast to my sugar & gluten free lifestyle when the entire world is baking pies, breads and savory delights? I feel that just by entering a Starbucks, I'm "cheating" on my dietary-lifestyle because the air is laden with the sugar content of that dreamy pumpkin goodness.

Yet, this year, the worry isn't killing me. That little voice telling me that "just one is okay," is almost nonexistent. oh, now don't get me wrong, I've had some particularly scandalous dreams about cookies and cheese steak sandwiches since I took the plunge, but I'm totally aware that's coming from a life/work/financial-worry type place. I've always gone to food for comfort, so that's not a defense mechanism that I think I'll fully let go of any time soon. But somewhere along the way here (without my knowing), my priorities have changed. I've been honestly committed to my consistent weekly CrossFit schedule for about 5 months, and as sick and sadistic this may sound: I look more forward to the "pain" (*Note: this reference to "pain" is not about detrimental physical activity, it's about pushing myself to realize just how strong I am, and how hard I can work if I just try!) than to food!

My dedication to Yoga has only become more heart-felt and heart-driven that I'm finding more saucy delight in teaching than the idea of a big bowl of ice cream. And even though I was regularly eating about 80/20 Paleo (or gluten, dairy and sugar free), this challenge to go 100% for the month of October has already taught me so much about my eating habits in the past 15 days that it friggin' blows my mind! Thinking that this once rolly-polly-chubby gal who ate for just about ANY reason, now knows that food is for FUEL not your FEELINGS.

It turns out the change in my routine has finally affected my mind. There are days when I still want a cookie, and DAMMIT: there are days when I DESERVE a cookie...and maybe I'll have it. Or maybe I'll hold out until I get to the gym, and then completely forget I ever wanted that cookie. It's up to me. And low and behold, I can get just as much pleasure from a cup of black coffee while I'm snugged up in a cable-knit next to my hubby as I could if it were a Pumpkin Spice latte with Whip. Because I'm there for the moment, not for the food. I love Fall for more than just its food. I love it for its cool, crisp breeze; the smell of acorns and people enjoying bonfires; for its communal nature, encouraging us to get together for a hayride or a scary movie. I love it for the excitement it brought to me as a child...and honestly, what it still brings as I plan out my Halloween costume.

So I turn it over to you, Pretties: what's choice/challenge is going to change your mind?

xoxox, Rachel

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